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History of Freemasonry

Posted byUnknownonFriday, 28 June 2013

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Freemasonry is the International Jewish organizations, as well as a secret movement of the large and influential around the world. Freemasonry consists of two words united. "Free" means free or independent, while "Mason" is waking interpreter or builder.

The ultimate goal of Freemasonry is to rebuild their imaginary ideals, which established the Temple of Solomon or Solomon Temple.About Haikal Sulaiman or Solomon's Temple itself defines many different sources. One of the most popular interpretation is, that the Temple of Solomon was in the land that is now on it stands Aqsa Mosque.

They believe, in 1012 BCE, Solomon built the Temple on Mount Soraya in the Palestinian territories. But in the year 586 BC, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon destroyed the Temple of Solomon was. Year 533 BC, the building was set back by a fellow named Zulbabil who has been freed from Babylonian captivity. That's his freedom, he rebuilt Temple of Solomon.

In the year 70 AD, the Roman ruler of Palestine conquered and burned and destroyed the Temple of Solomon was. Damage continually experienced after raid Hadriyan Nations. Similarly, when Muslim rule, purportedly Temple of Solomon was destroyed and instead established the Aqsa Mosque in the 7th century.But another explanation it also means Temple of Solomon as well as a vast territory stretching power. There's even a pull up to the territory of Khaibar, when the Jews were expelled at the time of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Therefore, they believe should rule the whole world, even to the land of Khaibar, where they were driven first by the Prophet and charter penghianatanya Medina.

And for those that work and build, which is to seize Temple of Solomon and establish his power in real time, as well as influencing government and power that they are able to influence. And to spread that power, one of the major hurdles faced by this movement is religion, particularly religion Samawi or revealed religions, Christianity and Islam.

Before the Muslims aware of the dangers of Freemasonry, the fight against this organization first made by the leaders of the church. Catholic church's resistance occurs due to the Freemasons has been a gathering place for the organization of the anti-religion. In an article entitled The Earlier Period Of Freemasonry at Mimar Sinan, Turkey, Freemason known as a gathering place for members of the Masons who seek the truth outside the church. And this makes the beginning of the 18th century as the years were full of struggle between the Catholic Church with the Freemasons in Europe. Since its inception, Fremason have supported religious freedom, exactly the same happened recently in many countries, religious liberalization.

Freemasonry was officially established in England in 1717. But it seems, before the year was, Freemasonry has existed. Even since the previous century. In 1641, the British royal family, Robert Moray was recorded as a member of a branch of Freemasons in Edinburg, May 20, 1641 to be exact. Other names are also listed as a member of the Freemasons before Elias Ashmole in 1717 was recorded as a member of Freemasonry in Lanchasire on October 16, 1646. And he was also one of the royal family or royal family.

Of note in the above, could have drawn the conclusion that in 1717 only a year away from the consolidation of the stages that have been made by Freemson movement. This year as a year of expansion used to do and stick their influence throughout the world.

In 1717 was used as a milestone for the Freemasons transform and begin to be a very long war to religious people and the religion itself. A chief Protestant church in London called Anderson and Jew into motor driving on June 24, 1717. At the moment this is the Freemason Grand Lodge of England established by combining four lodge into one.

Many Freemasons sources explained that the history of this movement and its roots can be traced far back in time as the Order of Knights of Templar Crusaders in Jerusalem, Palestine. When Pope Urban II, in 1095, after the Council of Clermont called Holy War or Crusade and mobilize the Christians across Europe to take part in battle re-capture Jerusalem from Muslim rule. Pope Urban II burning emotions of the masses by way of preaching the false news. He said Christians in Palestine were killed, slaughtered and burned in the churches by the Muslim Seljuk Turks. He also burned the anger of the Christians by saying that the infidels (Muslims Turkey, pen.) Has been and is being mastered the tomb of Jesus Christ.

Pope Urban II called for all disputes that occur during this inter-believers and Christians kesatrian must end, because there is a more dangerous enemy and should be immediately dihancurakan: Islam and the Muslims. He also mengiming-lure with heavenly persuasion, that those who went to war it freed from all sins and the guarantee will get heaven. As a result, thousands of Christians went to Palestine with anger. And upon arrival, there was a massacre of the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Palestine.

During the two days of the invasion massacre unacceptable reason and humanity. Some 40,000 Palestinian inhabitants massacred. Some historians describe, then the blood bathes the land of Jerusalem. Some call blood pooled ankle, even depicting the blood welled up adult human knee. Soldiers at war with the motivation to get gold and gems, as well as many of the French knights carrying ripped their victims. Merka find gold or jewels that may swallow the Palestinian population as a salvage effort.

After they had conquered the land of Palestine, the Crusaders made up of many elements began to set up their own group. They joined in certain orders. The members of this order come from all European soil, which is accommodated in certain monasteries and practicing military means in the abbey. And one of the orders was sticking his name is the Order of Knights of Templar.

Knight of Templar is also referred to as the poor soldiers Followers of Jesus Christ and the Temple of Solomon. Called due to poor reflected in the logo they use, such as the two soldiers who rode a donkey. To show that they are poor, to the extent that one donkey to climb two Knight of Templar soldiers. Even on record, they were forced to eat three times in a week. While the name of Solomon's Temple wear them because they make their headquarters is believed to be the site or the collapse of the Temple of Solomon Solomon Temple. But really, the election headquarters on the hill is not a mere coincidence that the geographical nature, as the founders of the Knights of the Templar order had actually means Cirta own-goal to restore the glory of Solomon's Temple and the establishment of a Jewish holy place or where the Masons.

Throughout can be traced, the founder of the order were two French knights, Hugh de Pavens and that God frey de St Omer. Speculation of the historians say, that no blood-Jewish blood flowing in the body and ideals of the founders of the Order of Templars Knigh. The Christian officers, the convertion process that they actually do is a way to save themselves, and indeed they still cling to the doctrines of the Jews, especially the Kabbalah.

Though they call themselves as poor soldiers, the truth is they are not poor at all. Or at least, it was just a poor time they felt in the early days of the Knight Templars. In the short time they were able to become very wealthy by doing full control of European pilgrims who came to Palestine. One of them is to recruit young men of European nobles course will equip their children with the supplies funds that seemed never dry numbers. They are also referred to as the first pioneer of the banking system in the Middle Ages.

At that time many of the Europeans who want to move or at least a pilgrimage to Palestine. And of course the long journey from Europe require no small amount of stock. There is a carry all their possessions on the way, but since the Crusaders along the journey of life in a very pathetic condition ayng and they were very tempted by wealth, not uncommon robbery even among Christians kill each other along the road to Palestinian. Then find a way, the pilgrims did not have to carry their possessions on the way. They just need to leave him a Templar representative in Europe, record and calculate its value, and they went to the Palestinian armed with a record value of property which will be exchanged for the same value of money in Palestine. The movement was largely dominated by the Order of the Knights of Templar that made them very wealthy due to benefit from the system of interest that they develop. And these embryos or embryo banking we keanl now.

Knight of Templar headquarters in France to be the greatest treasure in the European union. Gradually they became bankers to the Pope and the King. How not to get rich quick, any tahunyya King Henry II of England to donate money to cover living expenses 15,000 troops Knight of Knight Templar and Hospitallers during their fight in the Crusades in the year 1170. To illustrate how big banking institutions that run the Templars, at the time this organization has 7,000 more employees just to deal with financial problems. They also have no less than 870 palaces, castles, and houses of the nobility that stretched from London to Jerusalem.

Because the order is so powerful, they gradually began to reveal its original characteristics, ie, as adherents of Mason. They developed the doctrine and teachings of mystics, as well as the power of magic in their monasteries. They worship the devil and bring the spirits to communicate. What they practice is known as Kabbalah, an ancient Jewish mystical tradition that has evolved even since the time before the Pharaohs.

Knowing this, the French King Philip le Bel, in 1307 issued a call for the arrest and dissolved the order because the Knight of Templar were accused of heresy. In its development, Pope Clement V to join the Masons is fighting back by issuing a verdict Inquisition. There have been many arrests and interrogations, and some leaders of the Order of Knights of Templar Grand Master title (it is still used as a reference to the highest level in the Freemasonry movement until now, pen) become victims. From some of the arrests and interrogations obtained information that members of the Templar have committed sexual crimes against the women, nobles, sodomy, worshiped cats, eat the flesh of their friends who have died. Even one of the witnesses said, the Templars raping virgins to get pregnant and her baby was killed by a sadistic way to then burned and taken oil, holy oil used for dedication of their leaders.

In 1307, King Philip IV ordered the arrest of Jacques de Molay. And after going through torture for torture, de Molay admitted all heretical rites conducted by the Templars. In 1312, the Order of Knights of Templar banned and dissolved. And by order of the Church and King, two years later, in 1314, the Templar leaders put to death, including Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the most important one of the Templar Order. Jacques de Molay himself was sentenced as a heretic (heresy) or infidels, and punished by being burned alive in front of the king Philip IV. And before blowing his breath, de Molay the words that King Philip and Pope Clement had to follow him, dead, in a year. And historical records, King Philip IV died seven months later, followed by Pope Clement died a month after King Philip.

Once that happens the massive destruction, the Jews again, and this time begins with the case or the Knight of Templar Masons. Destruction is not only in Palestine, but also in Europe. They were hunted to be captured and killed. Until they finally managed to escape and the protection of the King of Scotland, Robert the Bruce who was inaugurated and the King on the throne in 1306. And in this new land did they develop strength back. And Scotland became one of the decisive in the development of Freemasonry.

The older version of the history of Freemasonry is a story that mentions the establishment of Freemasonry in the days of the King of Israel, Herod Agrippa I, who died in the year 44 AD. Freemasons of today was formed to stem the religious teachings delivered by the Prophet Isa. It is said that the time was called The Secret Power or the Hidden.

Its main purpose is hostile followers of Prophet Jesus, they kidnap, kill, banning the deployment of a new religion, including the aged-killing Christian babies. However, with regard to all these cruelties committed Herod, world historians, believes that it is only a myth in the tradition of the Christian religion. Herod Agrippa I run all mission The Secret Power is assisted by two loyal followers, Heram Abioud as Vice President and Moab Leumi movement as the holder of the main secrets of this movement. But some members of the Freemasons trust and pull them as far as possible into the past history, even up to the time of the Pharaohs. It also became one of the explanations why they often use symbols and traditions of Ancient Egypt in their ritual activities, such as the use of the god Horus, Pyramid, Sun and various other Egyptian symbols. This usage stems from the excavation of the Temple of Solomon by the Templars and the invention of the doctrine and teachings of Kabbalah ongoing exploration and taught them by word of mouth. The excavation was so serious they did so was to affect the perspective of the Templars and their plans on the life of the world.

Even that is quite surprising is that, in ancient manuscripts Mason said, the first Mason is Adam! The incident began when Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree leaves in the garden of paradise. The leaves are called leaf of knowledge, and that's why God forbade them to eat it. Dr. Mackei Albert, a member of the Mason to the level of 33 degrees in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, it was later revealed knowledge leaves two sons of Adam and Eve, Seth and Nimrod with the Tower of Babel story. Both of these children also make up a language for knowledge that will be passed down to the next humans. But, in the old parchments mentioned that, God deliberately confuse human language that resulted in a secret science, which is derived from the leaves Adam to eat the forbidden tree, lost and unknown men after Seth and Nimrod. And that is the reason the two peoples fighting God.

Even according to the Talmud, the demons are descendants of Adam and Eve. After Adam was cast out of heaven, he was reluctant to interfere with his wife, Eve. And at that moment, two female demons mendatanggi directly clocked both Adam by Adam. Mentioned in the Talmud, Adam screwed female demon named Lilith for more than 130 years old and gave birth to many children as well as the demons left by Eve for Adam, Eve also clocked by the demon of men and giving birth to many children of the Devil.


NetterKu28 April 2013 at 11:15

Saya kurang paham klw bhasa inggris bang, izin trnaslate dulu klw gitu!

Dicoba28 April 2013 at 11:17

Mantap sejarahnya gan, baru tahu ttg freemasonry ini.
ilmu yg bermnfaat!

Blog Musik Mp3 Lagu Terbaru28 April 2013 at 11:18

Nice share brothers,
i like this history...keep spirit!

belajar CMS sendiri5 May 2013 at 10:29

Baru denger nih

Unknown28 June 2013 at 20:56

ahaaaaha..iya bang @@,

Unknown28 June 2013 at 20:56

wookeee :-d

Unknown28 June 2013 at 20:57

thanks |o|

Unknown28 June 2013 at 20:57


Unknown28 June 2013 at 20:58

i agree with you :-d

Admin Z-T Blog29 June 2013 at 11:09

bahasa itu loh gan.. :D

come back.

Racara29 June 2013 at 13:56

nice post saya suka artikel ini..
izin nyimak..

software freeware29 June 2013 at 14:32

bingung nih, nyimak juga gak bisa haha, pokoknya yg saya tau freemason itu pegikut dajjal

tips aneh29 June 2013 at 14:36

panjang juga sejarahnya, nice post sob

Unknown2 July 2013 at 06:44


iya =D

Unknown2 July 2013 at 06:45

okeee |o|

Unknown2 July 2013 at 06:47

bener bang :-d

Unknown2 July 2013 at 06:48

yeee ;)

Faceblog Evolutions6 July 2013 at 17:33

terimakasih banyak infonya sangat bermanfaat :)

Unknown6 July 2013 at 20:04

ye bang :-d

Blog Mas Acep7 July 2013 at 07:35

wah..gitu toh infonya..thx bang sdh share yaa :)

Unknown7 July 2013 at 08:21

yeeee |o|

Hack4rt7 July 2013 at 10:16

Thanks yaa gan udah share, ane masih gunain google translate nih hehe

Unknown8 July 2013 at 06:52

oke hehehe :-d

Dhimas blog8 July 2013 at 22:49

thanks bang infonya :-d tp saya masih gunain google translate nih :( heheh

Unknown10 July 2013 at 14:16

hahahha..gpp dah.. :-d

Anonymous13 July 2013 at 12:09

ckck hati masuk freemason haha

Unknown15 July 2013 at 06:23

hahahah..bahaya bang |o|

Hack4rt27 July 2013 at 22:21

wih makasih gan udah share, harus ke google translate dulu nih hehe

Unknown28 July 2013 at 05:40

hahahha..wookeee :-d

Belajar Membuat Blog29 July 2013 at 18:14

Saya ga bisa bahasa ginian.... suwer sob...

Unknown30 July 2013 at 05:52

belajar dong sob heheh :-d

Anonymous31 July 2013 at 09:30

Boso Linggis.. aduh.. mumet aku...

Unknown1 August 2013 at 05:35

hahahah |o|

Jasa Like Facebook Fanpage8 October 2013 at 22:30

saya baru tahu bro

Unknown20 November 2013 at 14:00

baguslah klw tahu

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