Myths about pregnancy and extends widely circulated in the community. Some people even believe these myths. Though not all myths are true. That prospective parents are not misled by myths circulating pregnancy, the following is an explanation of some of the myths that exist. Here's pregnancy myths 2menitsaja version:
Myth 1: A classic
myth is that if a pregnant woman is carrying high,
the baby will be a girl and if she is carrying low
it, will be boy. There is no scientific basis for
this. Carrying low indicates the baby just dropped
lower into the pelvis because you're closer to delivery.
Factors such as her muscle size, structure, the position
of the fetus, her posture, shape before pregnancy,
and amount of fat deposited around the abdomen play
a role in the size and shape of a pregnant belly.
Curious to know the sex of your baby, ask your doctor
for an ultrasound.
2: During the full moon phase more women
go into labor than other times. Looking at the facts
shows that this isn't true.
Myth 3: Spicy food
induces labor. Again, there is no scientific logic
to this.
Myth 4: Sex brings
on labor - this also isn't based on fact and there
is no evidence to show that it is true.
5: It is commonly expressed that stretch
mark is a natural resultant of pregnancy. The truth
is there are women who don't get them at all.
6: Another classic is that if you crave for
salty foods then you will have a boy. Craving sweet
foods would indicate a girl is on the way. You may
crave lots of things when you are pregnant and you
may have no particular cravings but none of these
will determine the sex of your new baby.
7: Hold a string with a ring in it over a
pregnant belly and you can predict the gender of
the baby by the direction the string moves: back
and forth for a boy; in a circle for a girl. This
isn't true but it might be fun to try.
8: If your nose swells during pregnancy,
you are going to have a girl baby. In reality there
is no link between a mother's appearance and baby's
gender. Nose swelling can be explained by increased
estrogen level, which heighten blood flow to the
mucous membrane causing it to expand.
9: No morning sickness equates to having
a male baby. About one half of all pregnant women
go through some degree of morning sickness. According
to myth women carrying boys are protected from the
male hormone testosterone produced by the male fetus.
Doctors believe that relaxin, a hormone produced
by the mother is responsible for the nausea. Mothers
who have undergone morning sickness blues while
pregnant with their daughters expound this theory.
Myth 10: Slow heart
rate means a boy child and a fast heart rate means
a girl child. A normal fetal heart rate is between
110 and 160 beats per minute (bpm), although some
people think if it's faster (usually above the 140
bpm range) it's a girl and if it's slower it's a boy.
But there have been no studies that conclusively show
that heart rate is a predictor for a baby's gender.
Your baby's heart rate will probably differ from prenatal
visit to prenatal visit anyway - depending on the
age of the fetus and activity level at the time of
the visit.
Myth 11: Heartburn
during pregnancy means your baby will be born with
lots of hair. Heartburn is a common discomfort during
this state and is no way an accurate predictor of
baby being born with lots of hair. Women with this
problem have welcomed baldies into the world.
Myth 12: Having
sex might hurt the baby. Seven layers of skin from
the abdominal wall to the amniotic sac protect your
baby. Your cervix has lengthened and hardened to prevent
anything from getting into the uterus. Additionally,
your cervix is producing mucus to keep the vagina
clean and infection free. Intercourse cannot reach,
touch or harm the baby. The only exception to this
is a woman whose doctor has told her to abstain because
of a complication.
13: Backaches are an unavoidable part of
being pregnant. You can avoid backache with some
simple changes. First, pay attention to your posture,
don't arch your back by pulling your shoulders back
but not your abdomen. Don't wear shoes with any
heel height, it will force you to arch your back
which puts pressure on the lower back. Try pelvic
rocking to give your back a break, and squat throughout
the day to stretch the muscles of your back.
14: Being pregnant makes you so crazy. Your
hormone levels change when you are pregnant, which
may cause you to react more strongly to things.
However, you will still be yourself. You will still
have your likes and dislikes, fears and concerns.
What changes is your ability to "hide"
the real you. Your high hormone levels encourage
you to show your reactions on the outside too.
15: First babies are usually late. True to
an extent since about 60% arrive after their due
date, 5% on their due date and 35% arrive early.
The timing is tied closely to length of your menstrual
cycle. If it is shorter, you are more likely to
deliver early. And if your cycle is longer than
your baby will arrive later and if it usually lasts
28 days you will more likely deliver close to your
due date.
Myth 16: If your
mother had an easy pregnancy and delivery, so will
you. The size and position of the baby, your diet,
lifestyle and attitude all play greater roles than
hereditary in determining the ease or difficulty of
your pregnancy and delivery.
Myth 17: Don't lie
or sleep on your back or you'll hurt your baby. While
you won't harm your baby if you lie on your back for
short periods of time, both of you will feel better
of if you sleep on your side. Doctors recommend sleeping
on the left side as this increases the blood flow
to the uterus and placenta .
When it comes to your pregnancy its always best to
rely on the advice of medical professionals instead
of folklore and myths.
nice facts.... i wiil not trust about that myths :D
yeah |o|
okay =D
maybe I need to use google translate for this post. But nice post :)
this blog have translator :-d
look up before the this title |o|
beware about this
gw kaga bisa bahasa inggris bro..
bahasa jawa gw jagonya :D
Cuman bisa melongo aja coz gak pandai bhs inggris
hahahah :-d
hahaha |o|
Thank you! I was actually much better about getting tummy images with my 1st maternity. I have a lovely sequence of the whole 9 months- 1 image for each 30 days. Now, I'm just beginning to take images now!
your welcome |o|
Nice post, I just know it now. Thanks for share :D
your welcome man |o|
gw ngak ngerti terlalu banyak bahasa inggris , nyimak aj dah
that efect makes me worried about my future wife ^_^
pakai GT dulu klw gitu om, informasi yg bermanfaat. Tq sudah berbagi.
salam hangat sobat, salam kenal dari Blog ini. tq sudh brbagi!
Belum cukup ilmu saya utk mentranslate artikel di atas. pakai gt dulu
LOl |o|
i agree with you |o|
ada kok widget translator di atas artikel ini bang...
ya..termia kasih :-d
salam hangat juga bang heheheh @@,
ada kok widget translator di atas artikel ini bang..pake aja heheh |o|
ane Google translate dulu nih gan hehe
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