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Tips To Bulid Your Confidence

Posted byUnknownonTuesday, 9 April 2013

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Self-confidence is like food to your soul. Can you do something properly if you are not confident about it? Can you even do a simple task of writing or driving if you are not confident about yourself? The answer is ‘No’. Self-confidence is the first step towards doing something. Building self-confidence is not an easy task. Have a look at the following ways to build your self-confidence. Here's tips to build your confidence by 2menitsaja

1. Do what you like

Do not force yourself in doing what you do not like. Never do a thing because your friend or your parents say that it is good for you. You are the best person to judge what you can do. Doing what you do not like can have an adverse effect on your self-confidence. When you do not like what you are doing, then you might not be able to give your best to it. And when you don’t give your best to your undertaking, then you do not achieve the best and this surely affects your self-confidence.

2. Listen to yourself

Listen to your heart. Thinking about what others will say is wrong. It is the worst way to judge yourself. Looking at yourself from another person’s perspective can be fatal to your self-confidence because everyone might not have something good to say about you. Considering someone’s derogatory view about you will surely be dangerous for your confidence level. Be your own judge because only you can truly tell about the pros and cons of what you do.

3. Know your shortcomings

An important step towards building self-confidence is to know about your shortcomings. Talk to yourself and try to figure out your shortcomings. By doing this, you can know on which areas of your personality you need to concentrate and improve.

4. Try to work on them

Putting down your weaknesses is not enough. You should think about ways to work on them and improve them. No difficulty, no weakness can be permanent.

5. Look at the success you have achieved

Look at the successful milestones of your life. Appreciate them and try to figure out the strategies you used and other things that helped you achieve success in that endeavor. Try to use your past experiences appropriately in other projects.

6. Positive thinking

Nothing can be as effective and as magical in improving your self-confidence as positive thinking. Keep a positive view about yourself. What you think has a profound impact on what you achieve. So, ‘think positive and achieve positive’ should be your strategy.

7. Don’t criticize yourself

Unhealthy self-criticism reaps negative views, which are harmful for you. And, negative thoughts reap failures. When you assess yourself and point out your shortcomings, try and improve that part of your personality instead of simply criticizing yourself.

In short, be confident and face everything that comes your way with a positive attitude.


greg12 April 2013 at 14:46

our confidence is spirit for life :-d

Unknown12 April 2013 at 14:49

yeah |o|

Dhiyas kn12 April 2013 at 15:03

:) translate only. Hehehe.

Unknown12 April 2013 at 15:29

ahahahah |o|

Tips Trik Komputer12 April 2013 at 15:52

Menuju GT dulu lah klw gitu gan,,,engk ngerti bhasa ingrris!

Unknown12 April 2013 at 16:49

ahahahh |o|

Akbar Wisnu13 April 2013 at 13:00

like =D

Unknown13 April 2013 at 17:06

ok |o|

kidnapper kunio17 April 2013 at 15:51

and absolutely loving your own self!!!, i thought that's the most ensential point to build our confidence. Nice post:-d

Unknown21 April 2013 at 11:52

thanks |o|

saemunsquare27 April 2013 at 23:44

walaupun hanya sedikit mengerti bhsa inggris tpi sebelumya mksih udah share.. :)

Nofri28 April 2013 at 00:07

This post is helpfull
thanks anyway

Ninja Blogger28 April 2013 at 11:22

Wah, thanks for the tips gan :D
walaupun harus translate dikit-dikit hehe

Unknown28 April 2013 at 11:40

hahahah...wajib belajar english bang |o|

Unknown28 April 2013 at 11:42

your welcome |o|

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